Happy Canada Day
152 years ago, Canada came together in the face of American imperialism to form a united colony.
I know my American cousins won’t want to hear that but it is true. 152 years ago, American raiders were crossing the border to plunder, destroy and steal. Now if it had just been the Finians, it might not have been enough to cause the original British colonies to join together. But the American government was also making expansionist noises. American politicians seem to have very short memories. But Canadians remembered that only 55 years before they had to beat the Americans back from the borders. We were seperate colonies of immigrants, people with little in common. But we sat down to talk. And under threat of another invasion, Canadians dug in their heals and formed a united front through negotiations in Charlottetown, PEI. A country of immigrants formed one united front.
Despite that early negative environment, Canada and the US have fortunately managed to co-exist on this continent more or less peacefully. Unfortunately, that peaceful co-existance has been distrupted from time to time by American politicians. But we’ve still managed to be friends with the American people in spite of your poor choice in politicians.
Now 152 years later, Canadians are celebrating that joining together in Charlottetown, PEI. The sad truth is that most countries of the world have formed through conflict and war. One group conquered another, one group rebelled and split away. But not Canada. We came together in discussion, uniqueness, and solidarity in defence of our needs. And those characteristics have formed part of our culture. It is part of what defines us. Unique people who decided that together we are stronger.
And 152 years later we get to celebrate that union through negotiation. Of course, no one will listen because yes, we are Canadian. We’re unique. We’re stubborn. We’re welcoming. We’re inclusive. And we don’t let people push us around. That’s what makes us Canadian.
We’re not perfect. We’ve made mistakes getting here. We’re still making some mistakes. But we are Canadian. And that means something.
So grab your steak (real Canadian beef), your beer (real Canadian beer that is to say, not yellow water) and your flag and celebrate. I know I will.
Happy Canada Day!